The following scripts are located in

[ extract-thumbnail]

Extract thumbnail image from MPEG video stream.

[ nuug-video-rss]

Generate "videocast" RSS file based on the mpeg video files available from NUUG.

[ process-dv]

Convert DV files (.avi) to the files NUUG publish.

[ update-rss]

Generate RSS feeds

Script Usage Steps

  1. Rename the video to YYYYMMDD-title.avi . Use the same title as is used in the info web page about the event.
  2. Run ~ftp/pub/video/bin/process-dv YYYYMMDD-title.avi
  3. Run ~ftp/pub/video/bin/extract-thumbnail YYYYMMDD-title.mpeg
  4. Move the generated files into ~ftp/pub/video/published/
  5. Run ~ftp/pub/video/bin/update-rss.
  6. Move the raw video to ~ftp/pub/video/raw/