Differences between revisions 54 and 58 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 54 as of 2009-03-05 16:35:46
Size: 8890
Comment: Siste slot er i ferd med å fylles.
Revision 58 as of 2009-03-06 17:57:24
Size: 10555
Comment: Improve table formatting.
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * (anvendelse) "The inner workings of the OSM project and the technology used" med Andy Allan  * (anvendelse) "The inner workings of the OpenStreetmap project and the technology used" med Andy Allan
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 * (sysadmin) "Maximize your utilization by working with RRDtool and Nagios" med Tobias Oetiker (Fly fra Zurich), må dra fredag ettermiddag, så må inn i programmet 16. eller tidlig 17.  * (sysadmin) "RRDtool - how to make it sit up and beg" med Tobias Oetiker (Fly fra Zurich), må dra fredag ettermiddag, så må inn i programmet 16. eller tidlig 17.
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|| 2009-04-16 || || || ||
|| || 12:15 - 14:30 || || ||
||<-5> 2009-04-16 ||
|| ||<-4> 12:15 - 14:30 ||
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|| || 3 || 13:45-14:30 || Maximize your utilization by working with RRDtool and Nagios / Tobias Oetiker ||
|| || 15:00 - 16:00 || || ||
|| || 3 || 13:45-14:30 || RRDtool - how to make it sit up and beg / Tobias Oetiker || There are many tools that let you monitor systems and networks these days. Most of the time, when you look under their hood, you find RRDtool at work in storing data and drawing pretty graphs. In this talk I will give some insight into how RRDtool works. This will enable you to optimize the way your monitoring software utilizes RRDtool. I will also talk about the latest features in RRDtool and how they will help you to scale RRDtool performance way up without breaking the bank. ||
|| ||<-4> 15:00 - 16:00 ||
Line 42: Line 42:
|| 2009-04-17 || || || ||
|| || 10:30 - 12:45 || || ||
|| || 5 || 10:30-11:10 || The inner workings of the OSM project and the technology used / Andy Allan ||
||<-5> 2009-04-17 ||
|| ||<-4> 10:30 - 12:45 ||
|| || 5 || 10:30-11:10 || The inner workings of the OpenStreetmap project and the technology used / Andy Allan || In addition to the thousands of volunteers creating the world's first global crowd-sourced geo-database, the OpenStreetMap project has a team of developers working behind the scenes on the supporting infrastructure. This talk will explore the custom software, protocols and technologies created for and used by OpenStreetMap, along with details of future developments and how to gain access to the data for your own projects. ||
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|| || 7 ||12:00-12:45 || ||
|| || 13:30 - 15:00 || || ||
|| || 7 ||12:00-12:45 || Open Source for Election Integrity -- The Experience of Humboldt County, CA || In Humboldt County, California, a group of volunteers scanned all 65,000 paper ballots using Debian Linux and SANE and counted them independently using Ballot Browser, a free and open source Python program. The group found 200 ballots had been dropped as a result of a four year old bug in the commercial tabulator software. After the Secretary of State investigated, they also found errors in the commercial software's audit logs, including a user interface button to "Clear" the supposedly unalterable log. Mitch Trachtenberg, the HCETP volunteer who wrote Ballot Browser, will describe the process used in Humboldt, give an overview of Ballot Browser's code, and discuss what other options are available. ||
|| ||<-4> 13:30 - 15:00 ||

Go Open 2009



Planleggingsside for konferansen [http://www.goopen.no/ Go Open 2009], som finner sted 16. – 17. april 2009. Se også [http://lists.nuug.no/mailman/listinfo/goopen2009 epostlisten].

Planlegging av video-opptak finnes på [:aktiviteter/200904goopen/video:egen wikiside].

Petter mener vi må ha innlegg innenfor disse tre kategoriene:

  • Anvendelser av teknisk karakter
  • Relevant for utviklere
  • Relevant for systemadministratorer

Tema i boks

  • (sysadmin) noe om OpenSolaris med [http://www.sun.com/aboutsun/media/ceo/bio.jsp?name=Ian%20Murdock Ian Murdock] fra SUN

  • (anvendelse) "The inner workings of the OpenStreetmap project and the technology used" med Andy Allan

  • (anvendelse) "Open Telephony: A solution greater than the sum of its parts" med Jon "maddog" Hall
  • (sysadmin) "Coreboot" med Peter Stuge, ønsker å snakke etter lunsj.
  • (anvendelse) "Gratis værdata fra Meteorologisk institutt" med Trond Michelsen
  • (sysadmin) "RRDtool - how to make it sit up and beg" med Tobias Oetiker (Fly fra Zurich), må dra fredag ettermiddag, så må inn i programmet 16. eller tidlig 17.
  • (utvikling) "Developers guide to server-side productivity and fun using open source platforms and frameworks" med ?
  • (utvikling) "G(et)it Nå!" med Marcus Ramberg
  • (anvendelse) Mitch Trachtenberg om [http://humtp.com/ kontrolltelling av valgresultater med fri programvare] (historie fra USA)

Offisiell webside, [http://goopen2009.friprog.no/program/22-program-teknisk-dag-1 dag 1] og [http://goopen2009.friprog.no/program/22-program-teknisk-dag-2 dag 2].

Foreløbig forslag til timeplan


12:15 - 14:30



Gratis værdata fra Meteorologisk institutt / Trond Michelsen

Høsten 2007 ble yr.no lansert i samarbeid med NRK. Helt fra starten har de fleste dataene som brukes på denne tjenesten vært fritt tilgjengelig gjennom tjenestene api.met.no, eklima.met.no og wms.met.no. Foredraget skal se nærmere på hvilke data som er tilgjengelig, og demonstrere hvordan man kan ta de i bruk på egne tjenester. Det vil også bli en sniktitt på hvilke data og formater som vil bli tilgjengelig i nær fremtid.



G(et)it Nå! / Marcus Ramberg

Versjonskontroll er et fundamentalt behov for å kunne drive strukturert og kontrollert utvikling. Foredraget tar for seg versjonskontroll-systemet Git, et system Linus Torvalds laget til utviklingen av Linux-kjernen. Vi ser på hvordan det skiller seg fra sentraliserte systemer som CVS, SVN og Perforce, og hvilke fordeler Git kan gi ditt utviklingsmiljø. Vi kommer også til å vise hvordan Git er bygget opp, og hvordan det fungerer under panseret.



RRDtool - how to make it sit up and beg / Tobias Oetiker

There are many tools that let you monitor systems and networks these days. Most of the time, when you look under their hood, you find RRDtool at work in storing data and drawing pretty graphs. In this talk I will give some insight into how RRDtool works. This will enable you to optimize the way your monitoring software utilizes RRDtool. I will also talk about the latest features in RRDtool and how they will help you to scale RRDtool performance way up without breaking the bank.

15:00 - 16:00



Open Telephony: A solution greater than the sum of its parts / Jon "maddog" Hall

What is the definition of "open hardware", and what happens when you put that, Free Software, and Free Telephony together? What is wrong with the mobile telephony system today, and why is it hampering the consumer? This talk will explore what can be done with open telephony.


10:30 - 12:45



The inner workings of the OpenStreetmap project and the technology used / Andy Allan

In addition to the thousands of volunteers creating the world's first global crowd-sourced geo-database, the OpenStreetMap project has a team of developers working behind the scenes on the supporting infrastructure. This talk will explore the custom software, protocols and technologies created for and used by OpenStreetMap, along with details of future developments and how to gain access to the data for your own projects.



Developers guide to server-side productivity and fun using open source platforms and frameworks / ?



Open Source for Election Integrity -- The Experience of Humboldt County, CA

In Humboldt County, California, a group of volunteers scanned all 65,000 paper ballots using Debian Linux and SANE and counted them independently using Ballot Browser, a free and open source Python program. The group found 200 ballots had been dropped as a result of a four year old bug in the commercial tabulator software. After the Secretary of State investigated, they also found errors in the commercial software's audit logs, including a user interface button to "Clear" the supposedly unalterable log. Mitch Trachtenberg, the HCETP volunteer who wrote Ballot Browser, will describe the process used in Humboldt, give an overview of Ballot Browser's code, and discuss what other options are available.

13:30 - 15:00



noe om OpenSolaris / Ian Murdock



noe om Coreboot / Peter Stuge

Ideer til det tekniske programmet

Spill / Multimedia




Åpen Maskinvare

Ideer til andre deler av konferansen

aktiviteter/200904goopen (last edited 2015-11-29 21:27:03 by localhost)